A Look Back at Braincubator’s Impactful Presence at ANS 2023 Conference
ANS 2023 Brisbane
Showcasing Innovation: Braincubator at ANS 2023
Last December, we had the privilege of showcasing the latest Braincubator model at the ANS 2023 Conference in Brisbane. This event marked a significant milestone for us, as we unveiled a more refined and advanced version of the Braincubator, complete with upgraded components and a sleek, polished design. Our live demonstrations attracted a diverse group of researchers, keen to witness firsthand the capabilities of this innovative device.
Engaging with the Global Research Community
The ANS 2023 Conference was more than just an exhibit; it was an opportunity to engage with the neuroscience community from Australia and beyond. We were thrilled with the strong interest shown, especially in the potential applications of the Braincubator beyond brain slices. Discussions revealed a keen interest in its adaptability for other tissues, including spinal cord sections. The revelation that some of our existing clients are already exploring these possibilities sparked further intrigue and excitement.
Special Offer for Conference Attendees
In appreciation of the enthusiasm and support from the conference attendees, we announced an exclusive offer: a significant discount on the Braincubator for those who request a quote mentioning ANS2023 and place their purchase order by March 31, 2024. This opportunity was warmly received, further highlighting the growing interest in our technology.
Reflecting on Our Goals and the Conference Experience
Our primary objective at ANS 2023 was to broaden awareness of the Braincubator’s capabilities within the Asia Pacific research community. The response exceeded our expectations. Researchers across various levels recognized the immense value of the Braincubator, not only in extending slice viability but also in its potential to foster more ethical research practices by reducing the number of animals used in studies.
Looking Forward: Next Steps and Outreach
As we step into January 2024, our focus is on following up with the connections we made at the conference. We’re enthusiastic about the prospects of these new relationships and hopeful that the special conference pricing will enable many researchers to integrate the Braincubator into their work. This conference was not just a showcase but a starting point for ongoing collaborations and innovations in neuroscience research.